January 2023 - Newsletter
Included in this newsletter
- HIPAA Change – Eligibility Transaction System: HETS 270/271
- Expand Your Pharmacy's Services with Test & Treat Program
- Justice Department Files Nationwide Lawsuit Against AmerisourceBergen Corp. and Subsidiaries for Controlled Substances Act Violations
- eLearning Training Center Module
- Upcoming Events

HIPAA Change - Eligibility Transaction System: HETS 270/271
The Office of Civil Rights (OCR) has been working on new HIPAA statutes. One of the first releases is the HIPAA Eligibility Transaction System (HETS). The HETS rule allows the supplier to check Medicare beneficiary eligibility data in real time. Use of HETS aids in preparing accurate Medicare claims, determining beneficiary liability, or checking eligibility for specific services. Click here for more information.
This new requirement was to affect only large database storage and transfer facilities. Change Healthcare has implemented this requirement for each healthcare supplier and provider and is requesting the HETS Unique Identification Number (UID). Other Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) companies will be implementing and requesting this as well.
To obtain the HETS UID, a Trading Partner Agreement (TPA) will need to be completed. You can find the agreement here: Medicare HETS Trading Partner Agreement.
We are expecting the new complete HIPAA statutes to be released in the spring and anticipate a lot of changes from the 2013 version.
Expand Your Pharmacy's Services with Test & Treat Program
In March, one of the most popular trainings NCPA has ever offered is back. Sign up TODAY for Pharmacy-Based Point-of-Care Testing, set for March 8, in a virtual format. Some pre-work is involved, so the sooner you sign up, the more time you'll have to complete it. Get more information and register here. Read more...
Justice Department Files Nationwide Lawsuit Against AmerisourceBergen Corp. and Subsidiaries for Controlled Substances Act Violations
12/29/2022 In a civil complaint filed today, the Department of Justice alleges that AmerisourceBergen Corporation and two of its subsidiaries, AmerisourceBergen Drug Corporation and Integrated Commercialization Solutions, LLC (together "AmerisourceBergen"), collectively one of the country's largest wholesale pharmaceutical distributors, violated federal law in connection with the distribution of controlled substances to pharmacies and other customers across the country, contributing to the prescription opioid epidemic.
The complaint alleges that this unlawful conduct resulted in at least hundreds of thousands of violations of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). The Justice Department seeks civil penalties and injunctive relief. Read more: Click Here
eLearning Training Center Module
The eLearning Center is now live and ready to use. The first training is in February for HIPAA Compliance. You can start entering your employees as "Users" if they have not been added already. Multiple users cannot use the same email address (i.e., training@rjhedges.com) and you cannot enter an invalid email address. Additional required training will be added in the next several months.
You may continue to use the old method of training videos, training logs, and training certificates.
Upcoming Conferences
Maybe our paths will cross at one of these upcoming events- Diversify Rx, Feb 16 – 17, Orlando, FL
- NCPA Ownership Workshop April 1-2, Charlotte, NC